what to do when someone suddenly faints
One may suddenly faint at home or on the street. But when such incidents happen, we generally get scared. Can’t figure out what to do now.
Let’s know what to do if someone faints suddenly-
- First, arrange to call an ambulance. Call the patient by name and if you don’t know the name, address it with something.
- Place the patient in an upright position. At this time, the patient must be kept upright. Squatting or lying down may cause shortness of breath.
- With one hand near the patient’s nose, try to feel whether the patient is breathing. Breathing can also be understood by seeing chest heaving and hearing breath sounds. In this situation you have to do a few things together.
- Loosen any tight clothing. A tight belt or bra may cause the patient to have difficulty breathing. Can’t be lifted in any way. Do not give any food in this condition.
- The saliva collected in the mouth of the patient should be wrapped around the finger. Tilt the head back and hold the muzzle slightly higher.
- At this time there may be seizures. If a seizure occurs, remove anything that could cause injury from the hands and feet. Do not try to forcefully hold a seizure patient. Quickly lay back to one side. Also move the patient to a safe place as quickly as possible.
- If you have trouble breathing, in addition to cleaning the mouth saliva, note the position of the teeth and tongue. If the tongue is stuck between the teeth or the tongue is pushed back and blocks the mouth of the windpipe, try to open the back of the tooth with the back of a spoon and try to put the tongue in place.
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Besides, stroke, accident and head injury, epilepsy or epilepsy, heart attack, sudden drop in blood pressure, low or high sugar due to diabetes, salt variation in blood, high fever, intoxicants or overdose of medicine, snake bite, poisoning, lightning. And electric shock, heatstroke, thyroid or pituitary gland problems, liver or kidney failure, toxic gas infection (carbon monoxide gas accumulates in holes that have been closed for a long time, if someone enters there, they can be in such danger).
The heart can stop suddenly, in medical terms it is called Sudden Cardiac Arrest. This is an emergency. Cardiac massage is essential in this situation.
If the patient is known to be diabetic, give him something sweet without delay. Glucose or sugar water is better.
Author: Neurosurgeon, National Institute of Neuroscience, Sherbangla Nagar, Agargaon, Dhaka
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