why is fever good for you
There are various conventional ideas about what to do or not to do when you have a fever But clear understanding of fever depends on age and body condition Experts recommend reducing fever in some cases
Deutsche Welle reports citing a study on the benefits and risks of fever.
It is said there that many people become very lazy when they have a fever But fever shows that the body is fighting against an enemy By increasing body temperature, it is used as a weapon. Because many viruses and bacteria cannot tolerate high temperatures They grow best at temperatures as low as 37°C
Also read: what to do if you have a fever and chills
When the surrounding environment becomes warmer due to fever, the proteins of some bacteria coagulate As a result, the growth of offspring is hindered or the germ dies That is, fever is beneficial for the body
Lymphocytes have an essential role in the defense against disease pathogens Those immune cells recognize invaders like viruses or bacteria and fight them It reaches the site of infection and develops resistance there Fever can speed up that process Because then the secretion of heat stock protein occurs Rapidly increases the speed of lymphocytes They can fight viruses faster and better
Fever doesn’t help, it doesn’t hurt, there’s no easy answer Whether or not one should try to reduce the fever also depends on the individual Dr. as an infection specialist. Fevers are especially dangerous for people of certain ages, Till said On the one hand, very young patients, i.e. less than one year old On the other hand, more than 75 years old people It is an age thing Apart from this, those who have had a serious disease before, are also at higher risk In such people I give more importance to the fever than to the symptoms.’
The risk of fever
Because most of our body’s processes are best done at 37 degrees Celsius If the body temperature rises for a long time, it can be dangerous Even in healthy people, a fever of 40 degrees or more can lead to serious consequences Intensive care Dr. Pro. Complications such as severe dehydration, very fast heart rate, low blood pressure can occur, says Stefan Kluge. In such a situation, the fever must be reduced
However, there is no general rule when exactly fever should be reduced All research results lead to consensus on one issue It is not possible to reduce the duration of the disease by reducing the fever alone
Dr. as a doctor. Thomas Günter says, fever is actually an alarm of the body The body says, I have a problem, leave me alone I have to focus on other things now That is, you have to fight against the source It requires body energy But if you ignore the fever and continue to function normally, stressing the body can make the disease much more severe
Drinking plenty of water is very important when you have a fever If the body temperature increases by one degree, one more liter should be drunk If the temperature is 39 and a half degrees Celsius, you have to drink about five liters of water a day If one cannot do that, he should try to reduce the fever
Medicines can lower the temperature for a few hours You can try to keep the body cool from outside As it is done with Jalpatti on the forehead Soaking a cloth in water mixed with vinegar and wrapping it around your feet for a few minutes provides relief
One patient’s body temperature returned to normal He recovered from the fever and returned to normal
Source: Deutsche Welle.
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