what to do if you have a stroke alone
Many people think stroke happens in heart, actually stroke happens in brain. If it is in the heart, it is called a heart attack. If the blood supply to the brain is interrupted for some reason, some brain tissue dies due to lack of blood, this is a stroke.
If stroke is recognized immediately it is possible to save life. Most of the time we don’t realize it, resulting in delayed hospitalization, which increases the risk of stroke death and post-stroke complications.
Read more : precipitating causes of heart failure
First make sure you are stroked by the word FAST.
- F=Face, the face bends with the stroke.
- A = Arm (arm) paralysis of any side of the body.
- S = Speech Difficulty speaking.
- T= Time to call (***) for Ambulance.
You realized by the word FAST, your loved one is having a stroke and called an ambulance. Take to the hospital.
But what do you do now until the ambulance arrives
- If the patient is conscious then lie on one side. The paralyzed part will be on top, the healthy part will be on the bottom with the bed. Elevate your head with a high pillow or two.
Be sure to support the head and the paralyzed arm. Note that the paralyzed arm should not hang. - Never pull the paralyzed arm. This can lead to solder subluxation later on. In most cases this happens. As a result, it becomes difficult for the patient to recover later. Hand function is particularly impaired.
- Do not allow the stroke patient to eat or drink anything.
- If there is any tight clothing on the body, open it, so that the patient does not have any difficulty in breathing.
- If the patient is unconscious, check the patient’s breathing and pulse on the right side. Wait for an ambulance if breathing and pulse are OK.
- If breathing and pulse are not found then start CPR (CPR-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). If you know If you don’t know, you can take the help of your nearest health care professional.
Author: PT, Consultant Physiotherapist, Vision Physiotherapy Centre
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