nutritional quality of dates

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nutritional quality of dates

Dates are very tasty and well known fruit. Which is glycemic and rich in fructose. Date fruit is considered as a substitute for sugar. It raises blood sugar. Contains a lot of B vitamins. Vitamin B6 which is helpful in increasing brain function. Dates are a good source of energy. So the fatigue of the body is removed immediately after eating dates.

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It is said about the nutritional content of dates, four or 30 grams of dates have 90 calories, one gram of protein, 13 ml. grams of calcium, 2.8 grams of fiber. Dates also contain many other nutrients.

Prevents Cancer: Nutritious and full of natural fiber, dates prevent cancer. Therefore, the risk of cancer is very less among those who eat dates regularly.

Weak heart: Dates are the safest medicine for heart.

Prevents Indigestion: Just a few dates reduce the intensity of hunger and encourage the stomach to take in less food. It fills the deficiency of sugar required by the body.

Breast milk: Dates are a rich food for breastfeeding mothers, which increases the nutritional value of breast milk and boosts the immunity of the baby.

Bone formation: Calcium helps in bone formation. And dates have a lot of calcium, which makes bones stronger.

Intestinal Disorders: Dates are very helpful in preventing intestinal worms and harmful parasites. These dates create beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Improves eyesight: Dates are also helpful in preventing night blindness by improving eyesight.

Constipation: Dates are rich in nutrients that help in digestion and prevent constipation.

Prevention of infection: Dates are beneficial in liver infection. Apart from this, it works well in sore throat and various types of fever, cold and cold.

Children’s diseases: Dates help strengthen the gums of children and prevent diarrhea in some cases. So why only in the month of Ramadan, dates should be in the diet throughout the year.

Dates are a fruit full of qualities and delicious to eat. It is believed that the origin of this sweet fruit is in the countries along the shores of the Persian Gulf. Dates are used as a sugar substitute in many ways.

This fruit is a source of energy so you can easily add it to your daily diet. Palm trees grow best in desert regions. So maybe you have to wait for 4 to at least 8 years to get this fruit from the tree.

An average of 80-120 kilograms of fruit is obtained from a full-grown palm tree per season. On the other hand, it can be seen from ancient times that the inhabitants of Mesopotamia and prehistoric Egypt were aware of the properties of this tree since 4000 BC.

The fruit and leaves of this tree are beneficial for the human body. Dates are rich in calories, protein, calcium, fiber, vitamins, fiber, magnesium, zinc and iron. Apart from this, dates fulfill almost 11% of the iron requirement of a healthy human body. As an alternative to sugar, those who are worried about the diet food list can eat this fruit safely.

Apart from this, dates have very beneficial properties in building muscles and bones and reducing the risk of cancer. Dates can be eaten to eliminate bad taste, loss of appetite or anemia.

This sweet fruit occupies the place of one of the special foods in Iftar, the religious festival of the Muslim community in the holy month of Ramadan. Palms are round or elongated depending on their shape. The seeds inside are hard and white in color. Dates are mainly ripened in four stages, known in Arabic as Kimri, Khalal, Rutab, Tamar.

However, diabetic patients must consult a doctor before consuming dates. Besides, there are some restrictions for those who have more potassium in their body. Apart from this, dates have been used in skin care since early times.

This natural source of energy makes it an ideal food for fasting people. Apart from this, those who stay outside for a long time can also keep this dry fruit in the bag.

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