Foods that dengue patients should avoid

food dengue patients should avoid,Foods that dengue patients should avoid,Foods that dengue patients should avoid,Which fruits to avoid in dengue,

Foods that dengue patients should avoid

Dengue causes a high fever, which causes loss of appetite or nausea or vomiting, making it very difficult to eat. Therefore, it is better to take liquid food in the initial stage of the disease. The body can easily absorb these foods compared to solid foods. Consuming liquid food can help replenish the water lost from the body and at the same time helps to regulate the body temperature.

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If the patient’s condition is slightly improving, liquid food along with some semi-solid and moderately dense food can be added to the patient’s diet. At this time, easily digestible food such as curd, banana, warm rice and chicken broth, boiled potatoes, boiled vegetables, papaya, gourd, rice pumpkin, shrimp etc. can be eaten.

A thin broth of desi chicken or horn, magur, shoal fish can be made with watery vegetables with little oil, spices. Lemon juice can be used as a source of antioxidants and vitamin C to enhance the taste of food. Drink plenty of fluids such as fruit juices, soups and bottled water as sources of vitamin C. Such fluids will help maintain water and electrolyte balance in the body.

At this time, the patient should keep more fruits like ripe banana, ripe papaya and watermelon in his diet and when the patient gradually gets better or when the patient gets better, nutritious food should be given at regular time.

Foods to avoid in case of dengue-

▶ Outside food with extra sugar salt and oil spices is not applicable for dengue patient.

▶ Avoid processed foods or canned or canned foods.

▶ Avoid artificial sugary soft drinks or different types of juice packets. Because they can cause LCD, stomach upset and possibly lower PS levels in the body.

▶ Avoid spicy food with excess oil and spices. Because it can cause digestive problems.

▶ Milk tea, milk coffee or caffeinated foods should be avoided at this time; Because at this time the condition of the stomach is already very fragile and digestion problems may occur.

A balanced and easily digestible food list should be made with water and drinks like canned water and different types of fruit juices and foods that increase platelets for quick recovery of the patient. Try to eat small meals and eat frequently with short breaks between meals. Because at this time the patient is very weak, cannot take many meals at once or in one serving. So if the food is taken in small quantities but a little more frequently, the patient will recover very quickly.

tags : food dengue patients should avoid,Foods that dengue patients should avoid,Foods that dengue patients should avoid,Which fruits to avoid in dengue,food dengue patients should avoid,Foods that dengue patients should avoid,Foods that dengue patients should avoid,Which fruits to avoid in dengue,

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