what are the symptoms of dengue fever?

what are the symptoms of dengue fever?,what are the symptoms of dengue fever,What are the symptoms of dengue,what are the symptoms of dengue,what are the symptoms of dengue fever,what are the symptoms of dengue fever

what are the symptoms of dengue fever?

What is dengue fever?
Dengue fever is a tropical disease caused by the dengue virus carried by the Aedes mosquito. Symptoms of dengue fever usually appear within three to fifteen days of transmission of the virus through the bite of an Aedes mosquito. Symptoms include fever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pain, and skin rash. Dengue patients usually recover within two to seven days.

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But in some cases the disease can take severe hemorrhagic form called dengue hemorrhagic fever. This results in bleeding, decreased blood platelet levels, and secretion of blood plasma. Sometimes dengue shock syndrome occurs. Blood pressure drops dangerously in dengue shock syndrome.

A few species of Aedes mosquito (female mosquito) are the main carriers of dengue virus. Among which Aedes aegypti is the main one. There are five serotypes of the virus. Infection with one serotype of the virus results in lifelong immunity to that serotype but temporary immunity to a different serotype.

Later, if the patient is infected with a different serotype of dengue virus, severe complications may occur. Dengue fever can also be diagnosed through a number of tests, such as the presence of antibodies against the virus or its RNA.

At the beginning of this decade, dengue fever spread widely in our country, especially in the capital Dhaka. As a result, people become panicked. Even the sick person and their families are disoriented. Blood banks were struggling to collect blood and blood platelets from hundreds of patients.

And people became desperate to collect blood or platelets. At this time, the experience of doctors was also limited. As a result, the entire nation became panicked. It also got wide publicity in the media. But now people’s fear and panic has passed. Doctors are quite experienced and skilled. People are also aware enough about its remedy and prevention.

How does dengue spread?
The main carrier of dengue virus is Aedes aegypti mosquito. Apart from this, the disease is also spread with Aedes albopicus. Aedes mosquitoes are larger than other mosquitoes and have striped spots. They breed in any waterlogged areas after the rains. Apart from that, they also reproduce in the water of tubs or vases kept in the house.

These mosquitoes decrease in dry season because they need water to hatch their eggs. Dengue is not caused by the bite of any Aedes mosquito, only the bites of mosquitoes that carry the virus can cause dengue. Another surprising fact about the transmission of the disease by this mosquito is that Aedes mosquitoes usually bite during the day and dengue virus transmission occurs during the day. When a person is bitten by a mosquito carrying dengue fever, the person becomes infected with dengue fever within 4 to 6 days.

Now if this infected person is bitten by a sterile Aedes mosquito, that mosquito also turns into a mosquito that carries dengue fever. In this way, dengue spreads from one person to another through mosquitoes. Dengue is mainly of two types, classical dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Dengue fever when and who is more?
The incidence of dengue fever is high especially during hot and rainy season from May to September. This fever does not occur in winter. Dengue mosquitoes can survive in the larval stage for a long time in winter. At the beginning of the monsoon, dengue virus-carrying mosquitoes spread from them. Usually, dengue fever is more common among the residents of these areas because the prevalence of these mosquitoes is high in the elite areas of urban areas.

People living in slums or villages have less or no dengue. There are 4 types of dengue virus. So dengue fever can occur 4 times. People who have had dengue fever in the past are at risk of becoming fatal if they get dengue the next time. It is especially common in children.

what are the symptoms of dengue fever? :
The number of dengue cases in the country is increasing. This mosquito-borne disease, if not diagnosed at an early stage, can reach fatal stages. In this corona period, if someone has a fever, they think they have the corona virus! Not only if infected with corona, the patient suffers from fever but also due to dengue fever.

So, if you have a fever at this time, do not worry, but consult a doctor immediately. However, if you know some of the symptoms of dengue, you can determine whether you have dengue or not. Know the symptoms of dengue fever:

Classical fevers of dengue:

  1. Classical dengue fever usually presents with high fever and severe body aches.
  2. Fever is up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Severe abdominal pain may also occur.
  4. There is severe pain in the body, especially in bones, waist, back, joints and muscles.
  5. Apart from this, there is headache and pain behind the eyes.
  6. Another name of this fever is break bone fever.
  7. During 4 or 5 days of fever, red rash appears all over the body, which is called skin rash. Which is like an allergy or a scratch.
  8. Nausea and even vomiting may also occur.
  9. The patient experiences excessive fatigue and loss of appetite.
  10. Usually after 4 or 5 days of fever it goes away. Some have fever again after 2 or 3 days. It is called biphasic fever.

Dengue hemorrhagic fevers:

This condition of the patient is the most complicated. This fever causes more problems besides the signs and symptoms of classical dengue fever. For example-

  1. Bleeding starts from different parts of the body. For example, under the skin, through the nose and mouth, from the gums and teeth, with phlegm, vomiting blood, fresh blood or black stool with the stool, between the eyes and outside the eyes, in women, bleeding for a long time when menstruation or bleeding starts, etc.
  1. Water in the chest, water in the stomach etc. may appear during this disease. Many times the liver is affected and the patient becomes jaundiced. Again, complications such as renal failure can occur due to kidney damage.

Dengue shock syndromes:

Dengue shock syndrome is the worst form of dengue fever. Dengue hemorrhagic fever with circulatory failure leads to dengue shock syndrome. Its symptoms are:

  1. A sudden drop in blood pressure.
  2. The pulse is very weak and rapid.
  3. Hands, feet and other parts of the body become cold.
  4. Hands, feet and other parts of the body become cold.
  5. Decreased urination.
  6. The patient may suddenly lose consciousness. It can even lead to death.

How to understand acute dengue
The rise in dengue patients this monsoon amid high infection rates of Corona has left the country’s medical system in shambles. Hospitals are full of patients. There are many deaths. Dengue is also a viral disease like Corona. In most cases, the symptoms of dengue are not so obvious. One in four people develop symptoms of dengue.

Some have mild, some have severe symptoms. Mild symptoms are similar to other common diseases. Fever, body ache, headache, pain in the eyes especially behind the eyes, pain in muscles, bones and joints etc. are symptoms of dengue.

However, fever, headache and rash are the three main symptoms of dengue. These symptoms usually last for two to seven days. Most patients recover within a week. However, some patients may need to be hospitalized.

The worst warning signs of dengue are severe abdominal pain, vomiting more than three times a day, not being able to eat anything, bleeding from the nose and gums, bleeding with vomit or stool, shortness of breath, extreme weakness, restlessness or irritability, sudden behavioral changes, incoherent speech, temperature Huge variation. From fever, the temperature drops below normal, decreased or no urine output for four to six hours, cold hands and feet, blood hematocrit drops by 20 percent and liver enlargement.

If the symptoms of dengue are severe, there is no opportunity to treat at home. Such patients should be treated in hospital. In acute dengue blood pressure may drop, internal bleeding of the patient may begin. Blood platelets may decrease rapidly. There is no prescribed treatment for common dengue.

What to do if someone has dengue, full rest, drink enough water. Syrups, fruit juices, soups, canned water, saline drinks, paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen or painkillers for fever or pain should not be taken. These can increase the hemorrhagic complications of dengue. If the body continues to deteriorate after 24 hours after dengue fever is cured, it is necessary to be careful, check the blood count and hematocrit, if the blood count drops, the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately, and if the count falls below 10,000 or bleeding Blood should be given when it starts.

When to see a doctor?
However, there is no specific treatment for dengue fever. This fever usually gets better on its own. So simple treatment according to symptoms is sufficient. However, if you see some symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor-

Bleeding from any part of the body.
If platelet levels decrease.
If there is difficulty in breathing or swelling of the stomach, water comes.
If the amount of urine decreases.
If jaundice occurs.
If excessive fatigue or weakness occurs.
If you have severe stomach pain or vomiting.

Dengue mortality risk
A) Many people are dying due to dengue. And if you have lung diseases like asthma, COPD or ILD, you must take extra precautions if you have dengue fever. That’s because the risk of death increases if asthma patients get dengue.

b) The patient’s condition worsens when the pneumonia germ is infected with the dengue virus. As the platelet count begins to decrease in dengue fever, there is a risk of bleeding in various organs inside the body. At the same time, in case of severe dengue, water can accumulate in the alveoli of the lungs due to capillary (blood vessel) leakage.

c) At this time, due to water accumulation, the patient has terrible breathing problems. People with chronic lung disease are especially at risk of this complication. During this period, respiratory failure occurs, i.e. the patient’s ability to breathe decreases. In this situation, if the patient is not stabilized temporarily by keeping him on the ventilator, the risk of danger increases.

D) Dengue symptoms change in some cases with time. That is why dengue fever sometimes causes serious problems. If you don’t get treatment quickly, it can be dangerous. A dengue attack increases the risk of lung complications. So be careful in the beginning. If you have a chronic lung disease such as asthma, COPD, or ILD, be wary of fever. Therefore, in case of cold and cough, chest pain with cough, expectoration and shortness of breath, you should be admitted to the hospital and get treatment.

tags : what are the symptoms of dengue fever,What are the symptoms of dengue,what are the symptoms of dengue?,what are the symptoms of dengue fever,what are the symptoms of dengue fever?what are the symptoms of dengue fever,What are the symptoms of dengue,what are the symptoms of dengue?,what are the symptoms of dengue fever,what are the symptoms of dengue fever?what are the symptoms of dengue fever,What are the symptoms of dengue,what are the symptoms of dengue?,what are the symptoms of dengue fever,what are the symptoms of dengue fever?what are the symptoms of dengue fever,What are the symptoms of dengue,what are the symptoms of dengue?,what are the symptoms of dengue fever,what are the symptoms of dengue fever?what are the symptoms of dengue fever,What are the symptoms of dengue,what are the symptoms of dengue?,what are the symptoms of dengue fever,what are the symptoms of dengue fever?

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