What is the keyword ? Why is keyword important?

What is the keyword,Why is keyword important,why is keywords important,Why are key terms important,what is keywords,what is keywords,what is keywords,

What is the keyword

Keywords are very important in SEO and digital marketing. Many of us are well versed in many advanced aspects of SEO or digital marketing. But I am a bit confused about the keyword term. Many people ask if a word is called a key word, then four words can be called a key word? Our main purpose is to answer these many questions. So, today we have decided the topic of our article, ‘What are keywords and what is the meaning of keywords in SEO’. Hope you like it.

What is the keyword?

Keywords are ideas and topics that give an idea about a piece of content. In terms of SEO, all the words or phrases that a user types in Google are called keywords. Put more simply, the keyword that best represents a piece of content, or the content that can be found on Google with that specific keyword, is the keyword.

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When a content writer writes a piece of content, he or she targets specific words to find that content, so that it is easily found when someone searches for those words or phrases in search engines. Basically what best represents the content is called keyword research.

Why is keyword important?

Before understanding the importance of keywords, we want to remind you once again, what is the role of keywords?

Keywords essentially create a link between your content and search engines. That is, the specific topic you focus on while writing your content informs what the entire content is written about. I am trying to keyword the content title for ease of understanding. That is, just as a title helps to understand the context of the entire content, a keyword gives search engines an idea of what your content is written about.

We all have a target to place our content on the first row of search results page. So these keywords can play the most role in search engines to find or rank your content.

Case 1 – Saqib wrote an article very well presented and well referenced. He optimized everything very well, but he had no idea about keywords before writing the content. He also has no idea where to use keywords, so his content is not showing up in search engines.

Case Analysis- Before coming back to Shakib’s case, if I ask you a question – ‘Well what do you search on Google when you need something?’ Whatever you search for, we call it a keyword. Suppose you searched ‘How to create a blogger account’? Now the search engines will show you what results? Will definitely show results related to how to open a blog account. We have no problem with that.

Now let’s see, who Google will show in the first row on the search engine result page, surely ‘How to create a blogger account’? Posts that match it will show first. Yes, that is usually the case.

That is, we could see that blue headlines are matching with our keywords. Google has helped us find this content easily because of this matching.

But I’m not saying, search engines will put your article in the first row of search engine only because of matching headline and keyword. If you want to get a better idea about how search engines rank, you can visit.

Now let’s talk about Shakib.

Shakib may not have thought about how easily a common user would find his article. He did not write the keywords from the point of view of a common user. As a result, no user can easily find his article.

If we notice another thing from here, what stands out is that if you want to get your article on the search engine result page, you need to think about your keywords and titles from the point of view of a common user.

The term keyword research originated to get an idea of what a typical user searches the search engines for the most. Through this keyword research you can find out what users are searching for the most.

By doing keyword research, if you find a good quality keyword and write your article focusing on that specific keyword, and follow the general optimization rules, then it is assumed that your article will be on the first row in the search engine result page.

What is long-tail keyword?

Long-tail keyword is a group of words consisting of more than three/four words with a very specific focus.

-Stephen Mahaney

When a customer searches with many words, more than three or four words in the search engine, he is looking for something very specific. Which is often seen in voice search.

  • Weather
  • What is the weather of …. City.

If we look at the above two keywords, we call the first keyword short tail keyword, and the second keyword we call long tail keyword. The first type of keyword we use is usually keyboard search. And the second type of keyword search is voice search. Long tail keywords are usually of low volume, and are used in a small number of specific topic posts.

Keyword quality

Keyword quality varies. Here I will write about the quality of the main keywords. I didn’t take a look at the beginning.

  • Search volume
  • Competition
  • Price (Cost Per Click)
  • Number of words
  • Intend or tendency

Search volume

A keyword’s search volume refers to the number of times that keyword has been searched. If the search volume of a keyword is 300, then it can be said that the keyword is searched 300 times a month in Google. Another thing that matters here is location. Search volume changes based on this location.

A keyword that has a high search volume in Bangladesh may not have the same amount in neighboring countries. So location should be looked at carefully for this search volume.

If you want to know the exact information of search volume, then my personal advice would be to use paid keyword research tool. Because the local tools that give you an idea of search volume rarely match the reality. There are many paid keyword research tools like Moz, Ehref, SimRash etc.


After search volume, another thing that is most important to look at is competition score. Yes, the higher the search volume the better. But this is not true in all cases. The higher the search volume, the higher the number of searches per month for that specific keyword. But the thing to note is that the keyword with high search volume also has high competition. In this case, competition needs to be kept in mind while targeting a keyword. Different SEO tools call it by different names.

KD: Semrush uses KD to indicate keyword competition. The higher the score, the more competition it means.

Difficulty: We use the term difficulty to refer to keyword competition.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

It is abbreviated as CPC. A keyword’s CPC refers to how much money will be paid per click for that particular keyword if an ad is shown in a search engine for that keyword. In Search Engine Marketing we have seen how to advertise on search engines. The cost per click, i.e. CPC, is basically the idea of how many dollars to spend against each keyword for that add.

number of words

A lot also depends on whether a keyword is short-tail or long-tail. Sometimes it is seen that short-tail keywords have a lot of competition. So if you want to do something specific, you have to take long-tail keywords as keywords.

Intend or tendency

This is no less important in the case of keyword selection. Intent of a keyword is basically what the keyword is searched for. Generally three types of Intended keywords are seen-

  • Transactional
  • Navigational
  • Informational

Transactional Intend

The type of keywords that are searched for directly with the intention of buying something are called transactional intent keywords. Like ‘Size 10 red sneakers under 80 dollars, where can i sign up for cheap flight alerts’ etc.

Navigational Intend

Keywords that are used to navigate something are called navigational intent keywords. For example, (what is serp, Barack Obama twitter’ etc.

Informational Intend

It is very easy to imagine, usually the type of keyword we use to find something, to know, is the informational intent keyword. For example: ‘Where is Cox’s Bazar, What is seo’ etc.

If there is more than one word, can it be called a keyword?

Yes, it goes. Keywords are basically anything you search for in a search engine. Where if a word is used then the whole is a keyword. And if there is more than one word, call it long-tail keyword.

Tags : What is the keyword,Why is keyword important,why is keywords important,Why are key terms important,what is keywords,what is keywords,what is keywords,? Why is keyword important?,What is the keyword,Why is keyword important,why is keywords important,Why are key terms important,what is keywords,what is keywords,what is keywords,? Why is keyword important?,What is the keyword,Why is keyword important,why is keywords important,Why are key terms important,what is keywords,what is keywords,what is keywords,? Why is keyword important?,

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