the tea that controls diabetes
In case of diabetes, the release of insulin hormone in the body decreases. As a result, glucose cannot reach the cells and the amount of glucose in the blood increases. A diet high in sugar is responsible for diabetes. Apart from this, many other reasons can cause diabetes.
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Diabetes is never completely cured. However, this disease can be controlled. It can be controlled through diet.
You can eat bitter gourd tea to control diabetes and cholesterol.
Bitter gourd leaves, seeds or fruit can be used to make bitter gourd tea. Coriander tea helps regulate your blood sugar levels and boosts immunity and eyesight.
Bitter gourd is added to various smoothies and vegetable juices to increase the nutritional value. It helps control blood sugar levels, cleanses the liver, and helps control weight.
Dried bitter gourd pieces are steeped in water to make tea and sold as medicine. It is also available in the market as powder or extract. This tea can also be made from bitter gourd leaves, fruits and seeds.
How to make gourd tea-
Take some dried or fresh bitter gourd slices, water and honey to taste for sweetness. Bitter gourd leaves can also be used, but gourds are readily available so use gourds. Boil water and boil dry bitter gourd pieces for 10 minutes on medium heat so that all the nutrients of bitter gourd are absorbed into the water. Remove from heat and cover for some more time. Then strain the tea into the cup and add honey for sweetness. Karla tea is ready. But don’t use sweets after drinking this tea to control blood sugar.
Besides, some side effects of bitter gourd can occur in patients with hypoglycemia. So consult a doctor before using bitter gourd tea in your daily diet.
Source: NDTV
tags : the tea that controls diabetes,The tea that controls diabetes,the tea that controls diabetes in body, the tea that controls diabetes,The tea that controls diabetes,the tea that controls diabetes in body, |