natural ways to repel cockroaches
Many people suffer from the pain of cockroaches. Cockroaches are not only annoying creatures but also the cause of various diseases. Various sprays and medicines are available in the market to get rid of cockroaches. But these sprays or medicines do not always work.
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However, there are some home remedies to repel cockroaches. House cockroaches will be removed very easily. Let’s know how to get rid of cockroaches.
bay leaf
Bay leaves help to get rid of cockroaches. Grind some bay leaves. Place bay leaf powder in places where cockroaches may come. It cannot tolerate the smell of bay leaves. Bay leaves will not kill moths but will keep moths away from the house.
Baking soda and sugar
Mix equal amounts of baking soda and sugar. Now sprinkle the rooms where cockroaches are expected to be brought. The cockroach will die as soon as it eats it.
Cucumber is very effective in getting rid of cockroaches. Take some cucumber peels in an aluminum can. Now place this can in the place where oil beetles come. You will see that the cockroach infestation has stopped. Cucumber peel reacts with aluminum to produce bad smell. Which accelerates the death of cockroaches.
Petroleum jelly
Take petroleum jelly in a jar. Now put some fruit peels in it. For example, mango, banana, apple etc. Place the jar of petroleum where the cockroaches enter the room. The smell of the fruit peel will attract the cockroaches while the petroleum jelly will prevent the cockroaches from entering the jar. Spray or spray soapy water when the cockroaches have gathered around the jar. u will see that the cockroaches are gone.
Chilli powder
Take one liter of water in a mug and mix it with one clove of garlic, one onion paste and one tablespoon of red chilli powder. Now spray it all over the house or in places where cockroaches are frequent. You will see that cockroaches are gone from your home.
tags : natural ways to repel cockroaches,what to do to repel cockroaches in house,natural way to repel cockroaches,natural ways to repel cockroaches,what to do to repel cockroaches in house,natural way to repel cockroaches, |