Foods that increase the risk of cancer
Due to changes in diet and lifestyle in daily life, many of the foods we eat regularly increase the risk of cancer.
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According to a study, 10 percent of cancer is the main cause – some kind of food. Just as many cancers are caused by diet, many cancers are also preventable through diet.
1. Harmful and unhealthy Transfats are used in making french fries and potato chips. Although we have known about the problem of transfat for a long time, recent studies have revealed that these snack foods contain a chemical compound called acrylamide that causes cancer.
2. Cornmeal is made at home these days using microwaves. Put corn in a special bag and put it in the microwave and the magic starts in minutes. But there is a risk of cancer in eating bhee prepared in this way.
3. Red meat increases the risk of cancer. Red meat from cows, goats, sheep, pigs and other animals is a source of balanced food; Which is not found in vegetables and fruits. Eating too much red meat isn’t healthy—it’s an old saying that red meat increases the risk of cancer.
4. Obese people are more prone to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Many people these days have turned to diet, zero calorie and low-calorie artificial sugar instead of sugar for fear of obesity. No-calorie artificial sugars may help you lose or maintain weight but increase your risk of cancer.
5. Bread, pastries, white rice, flour, pistachios are the main sources of sugar. These foods provide us with daily energy. Because these refined grains are converted into glucose very easily and in a short time and spread in the blood to reach billions of cells in the body. This rapidly generated glucose not only provides energy for normal cells, but also for cancer cells.
6. Soda is a well-known and widely consumed beverage. Soda not only quenches thirst, drinking soda also increases the risk of cancer. Like other sweetened soft drinks, soda also contains many artificial sugars such as aspartame.
7. Cured or smoked pork, hotdogs, salami, meatloaf and sausages are staples of many people’s lives. These foods increase the risk of cancer quite rapidly.
8. A study has shown that drinking excessive amounts of alcohol increases the risk of cancer. Three-quarters of all cancer deaths in the United States are due to alcohol consumption.
9. Tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods. Tomatoes contain important antioxidants such as lycopene, lutein, beta-carotene and choline. Apart from this, tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin A, C and cholic acid. But canned tomatoes are not good for cancer.
Microwave Popcorn: Many people like to buy a packet of delicious popcorn in the market and put it in the microwave while watching TV. But, those packets contain chemicals that mix with the popcorn when it is baked and increase the chances of lung cancer! Experts say that any canned or processed food contains bisphenol-A (BPA). This chemical increases the chances of deadly diseases like cancer many times.
Carbonated drinks: Any soft drinks or packaged drinks contain corn syrup and chemicals. Doctors banned soft drinks long ago to avoid the risk of cancer.
Refined Sugar: Commercial corn syrup contains high levels of fructose which increases the risk of cancer. Brown sugar is not safe either. Doctors suggest using honey, coconut sugar or maple sugar instead.
Diet food: Instead of home-made food, various types of diet food in the market are taking place in the diet of most of the people. This includes packaged foods and soft drinks like Diet Coke. All these foods are good for weight loss, but the possibility of cancer may increase, according to experts.
Fried Snacks: Say goodbye to fried snacks to avoid cholesterol problems, not cancer. Experts advise to avoid crunchy, tasty fried foods.
tags : Foods that increase the risk of cancer,foods that increase the risk of breast cancer,What food has increased cancer risk,What foods starve cancer cells,Foods that increase the risk of cancer,foods that increase the risk of breast cancer,What food has increased cancer risk,What foods starve cancer cells,Foods that increase the risk of cancer,foods that increase the risk of breast cancer,What food has increased cancer risk,What foods starve cancer cells,Foods that increase the risk of cancer,foods that increase the risk of breast cancer,What food has increased cancer risk,What foods starve cancer cells, |