benefits of sweet potatoes skin
Just as many benefits are available to the body by eating potatoes, you can use them as a natural ingredient in skin care. In this case, detailed instructions are given below regarding any skin problems and how to use them.
1. Reduce dark circles or puffiness under the eyes
Cut two pieces of potato as a simple recipe to reduce dark spots or puffiness under the eyes. But in this case, the use of cucumber can play a more effective role than potatoes.
Also Read: benefits of sweet potatoes in the body
2. Tan or sunburn
If the skin is damaged by the sun’s heat and ultraviolet rays due to being outside for a long time, you can choose potatoes as an easy solution. In this case, making potato juice with the help of a blender and applying it to the affected area will remove the inflammation and restore the smoothness of the skin.
3. Black spots on the skin
Apply potato juice to remove black spots on the skin. You can add lemon juice to it as an auxiliary ingredient to get better results. However, after using lemon juice together, you should not go in the sun as it may break and damage the skin.
4. Eliminates skin dryness
To remove the dryness of the skin, make potato juice or potato pie paste and apply it on the surface of the skin. Potatoes contain a lot of water which will help in relieving dryness of your skin.
5. Makes the skin fairer.
Potato is called a natural exfoliant because it helps remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. And so, if you want to make the skin bright and fair by removing the dead cells on the surface of the skin, you can use malu as a natural ingredient.
6. Maintains skin vitality.
Potatoes are rich in water and vitamin E which keeps the skin alive through external use.
7. Increases collagen in the skin
Vitamin C, zinc, copper etc. contained in potatoes increase the production of collagen. And collagen is a very important ingredient for the skin which helps in maintaining the firmness of the skin. That is, it keeps the elasticity of the skin.
8. Reduce the appearance of age on the face
Wrinkling of the skin due to blemishes and lack of collagen leads to the appearance of age in the pores. That is, it seems that even if you see young people. It’s been a long time. Potatoes help reduce the appearance of aging on the face by removing dead skin cells and restoring firmness.
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