benefits of sweet potatoes in the body
Medical scientists have conducted many studies on the health benefits of eating potatoes. In this phase we will talk about 15 health benefits of potatoes in total along with the research findings of potatoes.
1. Blood pressure control
Potatoes contain a lot of potassium, which plays a special role in controlling high blood pressure or hypertension by dilating blood vessels. It also contains sufficient amount of magnesium which helps to keep blood pressure normal.
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A major cause of high blood pressure is high sodium intake. But the interesting thing is that potatoes contain very little sodium which does not cause high blood pressure. But it is important to remember one thing here that it will not be possible to get these benefits by going to French fries and potato chips made of potatoes. Instead, French fries and chips contain a lot of salt. It also contains sodium which increases blood pressure.
2. Cholesterol control
One of the main causes of heart disease (Cardiovascular diseases) is excess bad cholesterol (LDL-low density) in the blood Presence of Upoprotein). And eating more fat (saturated fat and tan fat) increases blood cholesterol levels.
Potatoes contain very little saturated fat, which is not responsible for raising blood cholesterol (LDL). Also, there are no trans fats at all, but monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as good quality fats, which are beneficial for the heart. Also Potatoes are rich in fiber which helps in lowering blood cholesterol levels.
3. Potatoes are good for the heart
Potatoes play a special role in controlling high blood pressure or hypertension and reducing cholesterol. And by solving these two problems, potatoes are considered as a beneficial food for the heart. Along with that, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B along with the natural ingredients called chlorogenic acid and kukoarnines in potato help to keep the potato healthy.
4. Potatoes to improve digestion
Potatoes are rich in fiber which helps in digestion. Consuming fiber-rich foods on a regular basis helps prevent digestive problems and avoids suffering from painful problems like constipation.
Apart from fiber, there is another special element in potatoes called resistant starch which is not digestible. After eating potatoes, the resistance starch in it passes through the stomach and small intestine and reaches the colon where there are beneficial bacteria for the human body.
The bacteria produce butyrate from the resistant starch, which helps keep the digestive system functioning properly. (Raman, 2018) Butyrate is a type of fatty acid that plays a special role in the digestive process.
5. stomach problems
People who suffer from Celac disease suffer from various problems due to consumption of gluten rich food. such as Abdominal pain, acidity, diarrhea etc. Potatoes are a naturally gluten-free food that can be eaten by people suffering from collar disease without any stomach problems.
Potatoes are also indicated as a good food for patients suffering from complicated diseases such as inflammatory bowel disorders or 180, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis is diverticulitis 543) as potatoes contain resistance starch. Boiling potatoes along with food saline as an immediate solution to diarrhea is beneficial. Potatoes contain resistant starch that helps prevent diarrhea.
6. Freedom from cancer
Studies have shown that resistant starch present in potatoes reduces the risk of colon cancer (colorectal cancer) by producing butyrate under the influence of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. (Raman, 2013) Potatoes also contain a special ingredient called quercetin that helps prevent cancer by increasing the body’s immune system.
7. Dental problems
If there is a lack of phosphorus in the body, various problems occur in the teeth and gums. Especially in the case of children, when the teeth become fragile (easily broken), it should be understood that there is a deficiency of phosphorus in the body. The amount of phosphorus in potatoes plays a special role in the protection of teeth and gums.
While potatoes play a beneficial role in dental care, they can also cause problems. Potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates or sugars which after eating stick to the teeth and cause bacterial infection easily which is harmful to the teeth and gums. And so after eating any sugary and sweet food including potatoes, teeth brushing should be done.
8. Bone health
Potatoes contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc etc. which help in bone formation and strengthening of bones. Especially phosphorus and calcium in bone formation and iron and zinc strengthen bones. Also, magnesium increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
Note that it is important to maintain a proper balance of phosphorus and calcium in the body to protect the bones. But potatoes contain much more phosphorus than calcium. And so, to supply calcium to the body, instead of relying only on potatoes, one should consume foods that are high in calcium.
9. Benefits of potatoes in inflammation
Potatoes are rich in phytochemicals. For example: flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolic acid etc. The mentioned ingredients act as strong antioxidation which prevents the increase in the number of free radicals in the body. It should be noted that free radicals are produced during the metabolic process of cells and when they accumulate in excess in the body, they cause inflammation.
10. Potatoes to relieve arthritis pain
Gout is a disease in which the amount of uric acid in the blood increases, causing swelling and pain in various joints of the body. Eating foods that contain a lot of purines increases the level of uric acid in the blood.
For example: beef, liver, sea fish, lentils etc.
Potatoes are a food that contains very low amounts of purines, making it a safe food for arthritis sufferers. Also, its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve night pain.
11. Immunity
Potatoes are a plant-based food that is rich in phytochemicals that boost the body’s immune system. Also, potatoes contain Vitamin C which reduces the chances of infection and helps prevent scurvy.
12. Potatoes are good for the brain
Potatoes contain Zinc, Manganese & Choline which improves brain function and improves memory. There are also B vitamins especially B6 and B9 (folate) which prevent dementia.
13. Excess weight control
Consuming high amounts of carbohydrate foods can lead to weight gain. Although potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates, they can play a special role in controlling body weight. But how?
Studies have shown that potatoes contain a special substance called proteinase inhibitor 2 that stimulates the release of the hormone cholecystakinin. And this hormone reduces hunger and creates a feeling of fullness. However, because of this, potatoes cannot be eaten in large quantities, rather, a small amount of potatoes should be eaten to release hormones to satisfy hunger. (Raman, 2018)
14. Solution to sleep problems
Instead of eating high-protein foods (especially meat, pulses, etc.) at night, it is better to eat potatoes and other vegetables. Because it will release serotonin hormone which plays a role in good sleep. But for those with diabetes, eating too much sugary food at night can cause harm. Potatoes are rich in potassium which balances the urinary system and promotes restful sleep.
15. Benefits of eating potatoes before menstruation in girls
Physical and emotional changes or abnormal symptoms are seen in women before menstruation, which is called PMS (premenstrual syndrome) in medical terms. Potatoes are rich in magnesium which helps in curing premenstrual problems.
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