Punishment for not paying Zakat
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam.. Just as Zakat helps alleviate poverty in this worldly life, it also provides relief in the difficult days of the Hereafter. It has been said, ‘Establish prayer and give zakat, whatever good deeds you send for yourselves will be with Allah, and Allah sees what you do.’ (Surah: Baqarah, verse: 110)
Narrated by Ibn Umar (RA), Rasulullah (SAW) said, ‘Islam is based on five things. Bearing witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah. Establishing prayer, paying Zakat, performing Hajj and fasting in the month of Ramadan. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 8)
Paying Zakat properly purifies the hearts of the wealthy and sanctifies their wealth. Hence it is mentioned as part of the success of the Qur’an.
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It has been said, “Surely the believers are successful.” Those who are humble in prayer, abstain from vain activities, those who pay Zakat and keep their modesty under control.’ (Surah Muminun, Verses 1-5)
Punishment for not paying Zakat
Zakat is one of the essential provisions in Islam. If someone rejects the law of Zakat, he will not be a Muslim. Therefore, it is obligatory to pay Zakat properly. Or face severe punishment in the Hereafter. Some of the punishments described in the Quran and Hadith are mentioned below.
Burning the accumulated wealth and burning the body: In the Qur’an and Hadith there is a severe punishment for not paying zakat. Almighty Allah says, ‘And those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of Allah, give them the glad tidings of a painful chastisement. On the Day when it will be heated in the Fire of Hell, then their foreheads, sides and backs will be roasted with it, (it will be said) This is what you hoarded for yourselves, so enjoy the taste of what you hoarded.'(Surah: (Repentance, Verses 34-35)
The mentioned verse mentions the severe punishment of hoarding gold and silver by burning it on the forehead, neck and back in hell fire.
Wealth will be a chain around the neck of the miser: Another verse says, ‘Those who are miserly with the wealth given by God’s grace should not consider it good at all, what they are miserly with will be a chain around their neck on the Day of Resurrection, the ownership of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone, you Whatever you do, Allah is well aware of it (Surah: Ale Imran, verse: 180).
Venomous Snake Bite: Narrated Abu Huraira (R.A.), Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, ‘Whoever God has given wealth, but he has not paid its Zakat, on the Day of Resurrection his wealth will be bald (due to the severity of the venom) in the form of a poisonous snake with a head around his neck. will be hung. The snake will bite both sides of his mouth and say, ‘I am your wealth, I am your accumulated wealth.’ Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) recited the above-mentioned verse of Surah Al-Imran. (Bukhari, Hadith: 1403)
Marks on the body with wealth: Nisab amount of zakat must be collected on all types of wealth. A stern warning has been given to those who are stingy in paying Zakat. On the authority of Abu Huraira (R.A.), Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, “If the owners of gold and silver do not pay zakat on them, on the Day of Resurrection, these assets will be made into a fire for them and will be heated in the fire of Hell.” After that, the side, forehead and back will be stained with it.
Once it cools down it will be reheated. It will be done on a day when one day is equal to 50 thousand years. This state of things will continue until judgment is done among the slaves. Then their destination may be Paradise or Hell.’ (Muslim, Hadith: 987)
Causes of Famine: Hadiths also mention some punishments for not paying Zakat in this worldly life. Narrated by Buraydah (R.A.), Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, “Allah has afflicted the nation that refrains from paying Zakat.” (Bayhaqi, Hadith: 6625)
On the authority of Ibn Umar (RA), one day Rasulullah (SAW) came to us and said, ‘O emigrants, you will be tested in five matters. But I pray to Allah, that you do not face him. When public obscenity spreads among a nation, plagues and diseases such as have never been seen before spread among them. If a nation falsifies weights and measures, famine, oppression by rulers, and dire dangers descend upon them. If a nation does not pay zakat, rain is stopped from the sky. If there were no quadrupeds, there would never be rain. … (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 4259)
So let us calculate and collect Zakat correctly. May Allah save us all from severe punishment in the Hereafter.
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