names of prophets in quran
Hazrat Abu Zar Giffari Radiyallahu Anhu asked the beloved Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, O Messenger of God! What is the number of prophets? He replied, 1 lakh 24 thousand. 315 of them are Prophets.
However, only 25 prophets are mentioned in the Holy Quran. Some of them are discussed in more than one place in different surahs. Surahs have been named after some. Its number is only 5.
Since the Qur’an is a book of guidance and advice, it does not use the historical method of describing the events of the past nations and communities, their good and bad deeds and their consequences. Rather, the main method of invitation has been adopted for the purpose of spreading the truth. So that hearing the discourses of the ancient communities and the prophets sent to them over and over again can be firmly embedded in the hearts of the listeners and is also very useful in learning. The names of the 25 prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran are:
- Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam. His name is mentioned in 25 places in 9 surahs. Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam was the first man and prophet.
- Hazrat Idris (peace be upon him). His name is mentioned twice in two surahs of the Qur’an. He was the first to write by pen. Allah has described him as Siddiq in the Qur’an and he was the first to sew and wear clothes.
- Hazrat Nuh Alaihis Salam. This Prophet’s name is mentioned 43 times in 28 surahs. He invited his nation for 950 years. His son Kenan was drowned by God in the great flood because of disbelief.
- The name of Hazrat Hud Alaihis Salam is mentioned seven times in three Surahs. He was sent to the people of Ad. After Noah’s (a.s.) community was destroyed by the flood, his people first indulged in idolatry, and Allah destroyed them with a great storm.
- The name of Hazrat Saleh Alaihis Salam is mentioned in 9 places in four Surahs. Hazrat Saleh Alaihis Salam was sent to the people of Thamud. The miracle of Saleh (A.S.) was Utni.
- Hazrat Ibrahim’s name is mentioned 69 times in 25 Surahs. He was born in Iraq and settled in Palestine. Later, by Allah’s command, he left his wife and infant child Isma’il in the deserted Makkah.Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihis Salam is called Abul Ambiya or Father of the Prophets. He built the Kaaba with his son Ismail and called the first people to perform Hajj to Baitullah.
- Hazrat Lut Alaihis Salam. His name is mentioned 27 times in fourteen surahs. His wife was an infidel. People of his community indulged in sins like homosexuality. As a result, Allah Almighty punished them severely.
- Hazrat Ismail Alaihis Salam. The name of this prophet is mentioned in 12 places in eight surahs. He was heralded as wise before birth.
- Hazrat Ishaq (peace be upon him). His name is mentioned 17 times in 12 Surahs of the Quran. He and Ishmael (AS) were brothers.
- Hazrat Yakub Alaihis Salam. His name is mentioned 16 times in 10 surahs. His other name is Israel. The Bani Israel community is named after him.
- Hazrat Yusuf Alaihis Salam. His name is mentioned 27 times in three surahs. Apart from this, there is a separate Surah in the Qur’an called Surah Yusuf containing the story of Hazrat Yusuf Alaihis Salam. He himself was a prophet and his father Yaqub (a.s.), his grandfather Ishaq (a.s.) and great-grandfather Ibrahim (a.s.) were also prophets.
- Hazrat Shoaib (peace be upon him). His name is mentioned 11 times in four surahs. People of his community were punished for giving less in measure or weight.
- Hazrat Ayyub (peace be upon him). His name is discussed in four places in four surahs. Allah tested him with severe illness for a long time. But he persevered and passed the test.
- Hazrat Zulkifal Alaihis Salaam. His name is mentioned twice in two surahs.
- Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him). His name is mentioned most times in the Holy Quran. He has been discussed 137 times in 34 surahs. He was the first prophet of Bani Israel. After his birth, Musa (peace be upon him) was put in a box and floated down the Nile by his mother. Later, as God’s grace, he was brought up in the house of the tyrant king Pharaoh. Allah gave many miracles to Prophet Musa. One of them is that when Musa (a.s.) placed his staff on the ground, it turned into a huge snake. Later, if he picked it up, it would become a stick again.
- Hazrat Harun Alaihis Salam. He has been discussed 20 times in 13 Surahs. He was the brother of Prophet Musa (AS). He was a master of eloquence.
- Hazrat Dawood Alaihis Salam. His name is mentioned 16 times in 9 surahs. He used to earn his own living. He was given the Book of Jabur. He used to fast one day and not fast another day.
- Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him). His name is mentioned 17 times in seven surahs. He was the king of the whole world. He was miraculously able to control the air along with understanding the language of animals and birds.
- Hazrat Ilyas Alaihis Salam. His name is mentioned three times in two surahs.
- Hazrat Yasa (peace be upon him) Its topic is discussed twice in two surahs of the Qur’an.
- Hazrat Yunus Alaihis Salam. His name is mentioned twice in two surahs. He was swallowed by a fish. Later, after he prayed, Allah released him. He was sent to the people of Nineveh. Most of the ummah of all previous prophets disbelieved with them, but all of the community of Yunus (A.S.) believed in him.
- Hazrat Zakaria Alaihis Salaam. The name of this prophet is mentioned seven times in four surahs.
- Hazrat Yaya Alaihim Salam. Its context is mentioned five times in four surahs. He was enlightened by God as a teenager and taught the Torah.
- Hazrat Isa Alaihi Salam. It is mentioned 25 times in 11 surahs. He is the last prophet of Bani Israel community. His other name is Masih.
- Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) His name is mentioned in only four places in four surahs. Elsewhere his adjective is mentioned. Or referred to as Ayuhan Nabi or Ayuhar Rasool. It signifies the honor and dignity of the world prophet.
tag : names of prophets in quran,names of prophets in islam with meanings,islamic names of prophets wives,names of prophets mentioned in quran,arabic, names of prophets,names of prophets in quran,names of prophets in islam with meanings,islamic names of prophets wives,names of prophets mentioned in quran,arabic, names of prophets,names of prophets in quran,names of prophets in islam with meanings,islamic names of prophets wives,names of prophets mentioned in quran,arabic, names of prophets, |