how many type of zakat are there
How many sectors of Zakat? It is discussed below:
Allah Ta’ala has mentioned the sectors of Zakat in the Holy Qur’an. The Qur’an mentions the number of zakat khats for spending zakat money.
Allah Rabbul Alamin says, “Surely Sadaqah (Zakat) is for the poor and the needy and for the servants engaged in it, and for those whose hearts are to be attracted; (That which can be distributed) in freeing slaves, among debtors, in the way of Allah, and among travelers. It is decreed by Allah, and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (Quran : 9/60)
In the mentioned verse, Allah Ta’ala has mentioned the eight categories of giving Zakat. Below is a detailed discussion of the number of Zakat categories, each category separately-
1. Fakir: Destitute beggar. Which Allah Ta’ala has mentioned as the first of the eight categories of Zakat. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, always sought refuge with Allah from poverty. He used to say – ‘O Allah! I seek refuge with you from disbelief and poverty.’ (Abu Dawud: 5090). Therefore, the Fakir is entitled to the produce of Zakat.
Allah Ta’ala says, “If you give public charity, it is good; And if you do it secretly and give it to the poor, it is better for you.” (Surah Baqarah: 271)
The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Allah, the Exalted, has enjoined on them charity (Zakat) from their wealth.” Which will be taken from their rich and distributed among their poor.’ (Bukhari: 1395)
2. Poor: Among the eight categories of Zakat, Allah Ta’ala has mentioned the poor as the second category of Zakat. And the poor is the person who cannot meet his needs, nor can he ask openly. Outwardly he seems well off.
In the hadith, Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) narrated: He said, The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, He is not a poor person who goes from door to door for a handful of food or two dates and returns when he is given it. Rather, the real poor is the person who does not have enough resources to meet his needs. But he is not even known so that people can give him charity and he himself does not want anything from people.
3. Zakat collectors and custodians: Allah Ta’ala has mentioned the person who is engaged in collection, custody and distribution of Zakat as the third sector of Zakat payment. Therefore, even if the person is rich, he can take part of Zakat if he wants.
In the hadith, it was narrated from Ibn Sa’eedi al-Maliki (RA); He said, Omar Ibnul Khattab (RA) appointed me as a collector of Zakat. When I finished the work and delivered it to him he instructed me to pay him. I said, I did it to gain the pleasure of Allah.
So I will take its reward from Allah. He said, I used to work as a zakat collector during the time of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). Then he also ordered me to pay. Then the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) ordered me to pay the remuneration. Then I said the same thing as you. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to me, “When something is given to you even though you do not want it, then accept it.” You eat it yourself or make sadaka. (Muslim: 1045)
In another hadith, it is narrated from Ata ibn Yasar Radiyallah; The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, Zakat is not lawful for a wealthy person. But it is permissible for five classes of rich people.
(1). Jihadrat person in the way of Allah. (2). Employees engaged in collection of Zakat. (3). A person in debt. (4). A person who has purchased Zakat goods with his own goods. (5). The poor neighbor gave alms to the rich man from the zakat he received. (Abu Dawud: 1635)
4. Paying Zakat to a non-Muslim to attract him to Islam: Money can be paid from the Zakat fund to a non-Muslim to attract him to Islam or to ward off any evil or harm from infidels.
5. For emancipation of slaves: Those who have become slaves in exchange for any written contract. Payments can be made from Zakat to redeem them by purchase from the owner. Similarly, if a Muslim person is currently imprisoned by a non-Muslim, that person will be included in the category of Zakat.
In the hadith, it is narrated from Bara ibn Azeeb (RA); He said, “Once a man came to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and said, ‘Tell me a deed that will bring me closer to Paradise and keep me away from Hell.’ The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, You have said the question in few words; But you want to know something very broad. You free an animal and free a slave. The man said, these two are not the same work? He said, no. (Both are not the same) Because, to liberate an animal means – you alone liberate the whole animal.
Another means of freeing a slave is to help by paying some price for his release. Among the deeds that enter Paradise are – bestowing animals that give plenty of milk and favoring such nearest relatives; who oppresses you. If you are not able to do all these things; So give food to the hungry and water to the thirsty. Enjoin good deeds and forbid evil deeds. And if it is not possible for you to do this; But restrain your tongue from speaking anything but good. (Musnad Ahmad: 18670)
In the mentioned Hadith, Islam Das mentioned Mukti as a special means of attaining Jannah. And since emancipation requires a lot of money, Allah Ta’ala has mentioned emancipation as one of the main sources of Zakat distribution in the Islamic economy.
6. Indebted person: Zakat can be given to a indebted person in order to free him from his debt.
In the hadith, it was narrated from Kabisa Ibnu Makharek (RA); He said, once I became the guarantor of some debt. Therefore, I went to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) to ask for something in this regard. He said to me, “Stay in Madinah until the wealth of Zakat comes to me.” Then I will order you something out of it.
Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, remember O Kabisa! It is not permissible for anyone other than three persons to ask for help from Zakat wealth. (1). It is lawful for a person who has become liable for a debt to ask for help (out of zakat wealth); Until he pays it. Then it will close.
(2). A person who is afflicted with any calamity; so that his wealth is destroyed. It is lawful to ask for help for him (from Zakat wealth). Until he gets something to fulfill his need or to survive he says. (3). A person who is in need has even three wise men among his neighbors testifying to his poverty; It is halal to seek help for him (from Zakat wealth). Until he earns something like his livelihood or as he says to live. O kabisa! Except these, those who ask (from Zakat wealth) are eating haram. (Muslim: 1044)
7. In the Way of Allah: Any effort aimed at advancing the Day of Allah is included in “fi sabilillah” or in the way of Allah. Jihad, all ways of acquiring religious knowledge and all means of spreading religion are included in this category. In the hadith, it is narrated from Ata ibn Yasar, may God be pleased with him; The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Zakat is not permissible for a wealthy person. But it is permissible for five classes of rich.
(1). A person who strives in the way of Allah. (2). Employees engaged in collecting Zakat. (3). A person in debt. (4). A person who has purchased Zakat goods with his own goods. (5). The poor neighbor gave alms to the rich man from the zakat he received. (Abu Dawud: 1635)
8. Traveller: Zakat money can be donated to a person who has reached the end of his journey by paying zakat to reach home. In this case, even if the traveler is wealthy, zakat can be paid to him.
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