Hazrat idris islamic story

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hazrat idris islamic story

Allah says, وَاذْكُرْ فِي الْكِتَابِ إِدْرِيْسَ إِنَّهُ كَانَ صِدِّيقًا نَّيًّا, وَرَفَعْنَاهُ مَكَاناً عَلِيّاً – ‘You discuss about Idris in this book. Surely he was truthful and a prophet. ‘We raised him to a high position’ (Maryam 19/56-57).

Identity of Idris (AS):
He was a famous prophet. Many fables in his name have been narrated in the books of Tafseer. That is why he is widely known to the public. There is a difference of opinion whether Hazrat Idris (A.S.) was the Prophet before Noah (A.S.) or the next Prophet. However, according to most of the Companions, he was a prophet after Noah (pbuh).[1]

In Surah Maryam, after the discussion of Hazrat Ibrahim, Ishmael, Ishaq, Yaqub, Harun, Musa, Zakaria, Yahya, Isa Ibn Maryam and Idris (AS), Allah says,

أُوْلَئِكَ الَّذِيْنَ أَنْعَمَ الله ُعَلَيْهِم مِّنَ النَّبِيِّينَ مِن ذُرِّيَّةِ آدَمَ وَمِمَّنْ حملنا مع نوح ومن ذرية إِبراهيم وَإِسْرَائِيلَ وَمِمَّنْ هَدَيْنَا وَاجْتَبَيْنَا إِذَا تُتْلَى عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتُ الرَّحْمَن خَرُّوْا سُجَّداً وَبُكِيّاً-

These are the Prophets whom Allah has specially favored among the Prophets. They are the progeny of Adam and the progeny of those whom We brought into the ark with Noah and the progeny of Abraham and Israel (Yaqub) and the progeny of those whom We guided (to Islam) and chose (for faith). When the verses of Allah the Merciful were recited to them, they would prostrate themselves and weep’ (Maryam 19/58).

This verse indicates that Idris (A.S.) was the next prophet after Noah (A.S.). However, Noah and Idris were the closest prophets to Adam (a), just like Ibrahim (a) was close to Noah (a), and Ismail, Ishaq and Ya’qub were the closest prophets to Abraham (a). [2] After Noah All humans are descendants of Noah.[3]

Read more: Hazrat adam (peace be upon him)

It should be noted that according to Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas, Ka’b al-Ahbar, Suddi, etc., Hazrat Idrees (as) ascended to the sky through an angel to visit paradise and his soul was captured by the angel of death in the 4th heaven, then stayed there, etc. All of the descriptions found in the books of Tafsir are baseless Israelite.[4]

Note that in the Holy Quran, Hazrat Idris (AS) is described in Surah Maryam 56, 57 and Surah Ambiya 85 verses.

Qurtubi said that the genealogists said that Idris (as) was named ‘Akhnukh’ and he was the great-grandfather of Hazrat Nuh (as). Thus the long lineages of other prophets that are commonly described have no sound basis. The true knowledge of these is only with Allah. Narrated by Ibn Hibban (No. 361) on the authority of Hazrat Abu Zar Gefari (RA) that Idris (A.S.) was given 30 Sahifas, its chain of transmission is Zaif.[5]

Qurtubi said, the major proof that he was not a prophet before Noah is that when Adam (pbuh) met the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) in the first heaven in Mi’raj, he greeted the Prophet and said, Marhaba. بالابن الصالح والنبي الصالح ‘Salutations to the children of the righteous and the prophet of the righteous’. Then when he met Hazrat Idris (a.s.) in the 4th heaven, he said to the Prophet, مرحبا بالاخ الصالح والنبي الصالح ‘Greetings to the good brother and the good prophet’. [6] Qazi Ayaz said, if Idris (a.s.) Noah (a.s.) ) had been a Prophet before him, then he would have addressed the last Prophet (pbuh) as ‘son of the righteous’ instead of ‘brother of the righteous’.

As Adam, Noah and Abraham said. He said, Noah was the first messenger sent to all people. As the last prophet was the last messenger sent to all people. And Idris (as) was a prophet sent to his people. Such as Hud, Saleh and other prophets. [7] It should be noted that the reason for choosing Adam, Noah and Abraham as ‘father’ is that Adam is the first father of mankind. Noah is the second father of mankind and Ibrahim is the father of all the prophets after him ‘Abul Ambia’.

It is narrated that Hazrat Idris (A.S.) was the first human being who was gifted with astronomy and arithmetic as a miracle. He was the first human being who, inspired by Allah, introduced the writing system and the art of sewing with the help of a pen. Before him, people usually used animal skins as clothing. He was the first to discover the system of weights and measures, and the discovery and use of the method of making weapons with iron began during his time. He built weapons and waged jihad against the Qabeel tribe.[8]

Reference :

[1]. Tafseer Ma’areful Quran pg 452.
[2]. Interpretation of Qurtoubi, Maryam 58.
[3]. Qurtubi, explanation of A’raf 59; Ibn Kathir, O.
[4]. Commentary on Qurtubi, Maryam 57 verses.
[5]. Qurtubi, Maryam 56 Commentary on the verse.
[6]. Qurtubi, Commentary on Surah A’raf 59; Muttafaq alaih, Mishkat ha/5862 ‘Mi’raj’ paragraph.
[7]. Qurtubi, Commentary on Surah A’raf 59.
[8]. Qurtoubi, Mariam 56; Tafseer Ma’areful Qur’an p. 838.
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