What food will increase energy in the body

What food will increase energy in the body

What food will increase energy in the body

Banana and honey are more or less eaten by everyone. Banana and honey have medicinal properties. But have these two foods ever eaten together? Eating a mixture of banana and honey together gives quick energy.

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Let’s know the benefits of eating banana and honey together.

  1. Eating banana and honey together gives the body good antioxidants. It is even called the ‘powerhouse’ of antioxidants.
  2. Honey is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols. Which works to reduce various problems of the body. And bananas contain powerful dietary antioxidants.
  3. Eating bananas and honey together improves heart health. Studies have shown that it increases the level of good cholesterol and lowers the level of bad cholesterol. Banana and honey prevent the formation of plaque in the arteries.
  4. Being a good source of potassium, bananas reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
  5. Bananas provide quick energy. It contains good amount of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and vitamin B6. The potassium in bananas works to reduce muscle cramps after exercise.

How to make banana honey mix?

Peel a banana and cut the inside into pieces. Take one tablespoon of honey. Now blend the banana and honey together. A mixture of banana and honey was prepared.

tags : What food will increase energy in the body,What food will increase energy in the body,What food will increase energy in the body

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